
An Introduction: Rube Goldberg Machine of Semiotics (rgms)

Greetings RGMS reader - 

Welcome. The Rube Goldberg Machine of Semiotics is excited to share with you it's many inner workings, that include, but are not limited to: a wide range of exploratory musics, detailed methodologies, research publications, and a labyrinth of entwined mythic themes waiting to be unraveled. 

We've planned a steady stream of album releases for the remainder of 2020 with the intention of keeping the machine running indefinitely. 

Without further ado, rgms presents an Autumnal Equinox promotional video as a taste of what's to come. 

Consigned to the minds of Tony and Bobby Goldberg, RGMS originated from an ambient performance in Chicago, 2017, hosted at the DIY Third Floor, referred to internally as the July Fridge. The artifact below, a concert poster for the performance, is the first sighting of the Rube Goldberg Machine of Semiotics documented:


And finally, on a concluding note, here's a word from Joey Campbell and the document known as the Power of Myth:

"Jean and I are living in Hawaii, and we’re living right by the ocean. And we have a little lanai, a little porch, and there’s a coconut tree that grows up through the porch and it goes on up. And there’s a kind of vine, plant, big powerful thing with leaves like this, that has grown up the coconut tree. Now, that plant sends forth little feelers to go out and clutch the plant, and it knows where the plant is and what to do– where the tree is, and it grows up like this, and it opens a leaf, and that leaf immediately turns to where the sun is. Now, you can’t tell me that leaf doesn’t know where the sun is going to be. All of the leaves go just like that, what’s called heliotropism, turning toward where the sun is. That’s a form of consciousness. There is a plant consciousness, there is an animal consciousness. We share all of these things. You eat certain foods, and the bile knows whether there’s something there for it to go to work on. I mean, the whole thing is consciousness. I begin to feel more and more that the whole world is conscious; certainly the vegetable world is conscious, and when you live in the woods, as I did as a kid, you can see all these different consciousnesses relating to themselves."
- The Machine, impersonally - a unrelentingly process of nature