RGMS Release Code

Due to the nature of the collective, there will be a wide range of aesthetic output within the rgms. 
Despite this variance, each artist strives to remain true to the unspoken centre between that of Apollo and Dionysus. 
Every release will therefore be labeled with coordinates from the essential rgms Cartesian plane. 

The two poles of identifiability within rgms releases thus include, density (x) and anticipatability (y). 
The latter pole concerns not only density of the occupied spectral band, but also that of the sonic and structural complexity. 
The former pole of anticipatability, which also may be considered 'convention', is far more nebulous. 
This is due to the fact that each individual possess a distinct and highly personal set of protentions when engaging in a music. 

The artist places their respective brainchild on this graph then in accordance with their own predispositions balanced with that of pre-existing content relative to the collective itself. 

Our four cardinal directions may be further classified as the following: 

maximal immersions 
minimal deserts 
avant-garde tessellations 
traditional re-workings. 
And at the center, meditative canopies attempt to delicately straddle the four directions. 

Note that all coordinates must be integers, and may not include a zero. 
All zero coordinates are reserved for collective wide collaborative efforts, which focus on cultivating a meditative landscape.